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Green Engineers - The Energy Revolutionaries

04.03.2022Equans Switzerland AG

The energy revolution is the topic of an entire generation. In order to stop climate change, concepts are needed that lead to a sustainable reduction of CO2 emissions. But who will realise these concepts and thus the energy revolution in detail? 


The energy transition essentially consists of two elements: The development of renewable energies and the increase in energy efficiency in production processes, mobility and buildings. In both areas, Bouygues Energies & Services offers a wide range of quality solutions to help customers cope with the changes and challenges brought about by the energy transition. Engineers are responsible for developing these sustainable solutions. More precisely: green engineers.  


Green engineering describes the process of conceptual planning and elaboration of energy-related systems that conserve natural resources and have as little impact on the environment as possible. At Bouygues Energies & Services in Switzerland, Andrea Frei and Kevin Beutler are responsible for Green Engineering. Together they have built up the department that develops energy concepts and carries out the technical planning of photovoltaic systems for customers in various segments: from portfolio owners to large industrial companies. Furthermore, the Green Engineers unite various departments of Bouygues Energies & Services as a competence centre for planning services. For example, with regard to the conceptual interaction of electromobility, the production of renewable energy as well as heat production and its monitoring to improve energy efficiency. 


On Engineers' Day, we want to give our green engineers a stage and give Kevin Beutler the floor. In the video he describes his career and clarifies his relation to the topic. We thank Kevin Beutler and the other Green Engineers for their achievements in implementing the energy transition!